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Stories from the Field

Unlocking Potential: Munira's Path with 'My Career, My Choice'

Unlocking Potential: Munira's Path with 'My Career, My Choice'

Meet Munira, a 29-year-old single resident of Beirut, Lebanon, where the pursuit of a livelihood often meets daunting challenges. In the face of a fiercely competitive job market and limited employability prospects, Munira's life took a transformative turn when she learned about the "My Career, My Choice" project through friends who had participated in it.


The essence of the "My Career, My Choice" project lies in its mission to empower women. It commences with a comprehensive life skills course, paving the way for vocational training and internships. Graduates receive certifications endorsed by the Ministry of Education and Higher Education in Lebanon, positioning them for success in the job market.


For Munira, this project was a lifeline. She eagerly enrolled and embarked on the Life Skills course, enhancing her proficiency in business English and computer skills. What stood out most for her was the warmth and kindness she received from the project's staff and leaders. "The most special thing when you are trying to explore something new is having kind people to support you," she expressed.


Munira's journey illuminated the stark contrast between classroom knowledge and real-world business dynamics. "I discovered a whole new world when it came to business—things you don't get to learn in school," she reflected. However, under the project's guidance, she not only acquired practical skills but also nurtured her self-assurance.


In the beginning, self-doubt clouded Munira's path as she grappled with the intimidating job market. Yet, "My Career, My Choice" played a pivotal role in helping her conquer these fears, one step at a time, enabling her to make informed decisions and life choices. Today, Munira thrives as a data entry clerk for a restaurant supply company—a role she once considered beyond her grasp. "Today I am a data entry clerk, and I enjoy my job, eagerly anticipating what the future holds," she proudly declares.


Munira's story is a compelling testament to the profound impact of the "My Career, My Choice" project. It serves as a straightforward yet powerful reminder that with support and the right opportunities, individuals like Munira can carve out their path in the world and overcome the challenges of a harsh reality. 

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